Do this before the workshop!
- Join the Slack: ****
- Install Git and Sign up to Github (if you don’t have one yet)
- Install Chrome/Firefox
- Install VSCode
- Install node - install latest LTS version
- Follow this guide for workshop setup (Node, Git in VSCode):
- Make sure you get the “Hello World” to display.
- Any issues, post on Slack channel #node_setup or DM (direct message) me (Lenny) before the workshop
- Sign up for MongoDB Atlas: ****
- Make sure you get the connection string at the end.
- Any issues, post on Slack channel #node_setup or DM (direct message) me (Lenny) before the workshop
Nice to haves
Basic Git knowledge recommended:
We use git to load the code for the material. We'll switch branches during the discussion and activities.
- If you use git regularly, you should be fine. You should know checkout, branch, add, commit and reset
- If you don’t use git regularly (or have never used it), here are some guides I found, but you can also find lots online
Knowledge of JS and ES6 is not required....
...but if you want to get the most out of the workshop, or you're serious about learning web development, please take the time to read some of these resources before the workshop
- Javascript re-introduction: (If you haven't used Javascript in a while, or you’ve never before)
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Autodesk - Education Outreach Program